Account audit + Quick Wins package

In order to better understand your processes and prepare the account audit + Quick Wins package, here is the schedule of your remote rollout.

Account audit + Quick Wins schedule


Phone call, in general in duo with your sales, to: 

  • Introduce your Customer Onboarding Specialist
  • Schedule the project and its main steps.

On site session

An on site workshop in two parts.

1. A first part is dedicated to the analysis of your needs and to understand your internal processes (interview with your main users, planners, field resources, activity managers) and review of your usage habits on the platform. 

At the end of this part, your Praxedo Customer Onboarding Specialist is able to review your use cases and your processes, and make a list of what works well and the parameters that could be optimized to fit with your current usage.

2. After this first part, your Customer Onboarding Specialist will spend the rest of the day implementing quick wins in your settings. Your Customer Onboarding Specialist will make adjustments to your accounts and show you good practices to use your account (optimizing the work order cycle, advanced scheduling and enhance your activity management).

This workshop takes place on a full day with the internal supervisor of the project or the managers of the activities involved, ideally with a discussion of 30 minutes with a technician.

Workshop report and audit report

Then, your Customer Onboarding Specialist works on its side and explores other possible enhancements. He/she writes a report with an action plan that includes additional recommendations, a list of changes and the related documentation, or a proposition for additional service if needed. 


Assessment session

The aim of this meeting is to have your feedback after a full week during which you applied the Customer Onboarding Specialist recommendations and review the audit report. The meeting lasts 1h in video conference.


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